When a person or a team sets a goal to do something extraordinary (aka your Bamboo Dream), whether that goal is to go to the moon, win a gold medal, or change an entire industry, critics, killjoys, and naysayers come out of the woodwork saying things such as: You are crazy. That will never work. Why are you wasting your time? What makes you think you are so special?
“Mind your own bamboo!”
This is where my Water The Bamboo philosophy is helpful. Bamboo Farmers will water for 4-5 years without seeing any results, but once the bamboo (dream) touches the surface it grows 90 feet in 60 days. (Read chapter two, Create a Vivid Vision, in Water The Bamboo to learn more.)
Here are 5 ideas that will help you stay focused on what's important:
1. Create a clear vision.
Create a vision board that makes your Bamboo Dream come to life. Include words and pictures that express your vision and values, and put it in a place where you can see it every day.
2. Form a Bamboo Circle.
Identify a circle of supporters, almost like a board of directors, who are willing to provide you with encouragement and feedback on your vision. (Read chapter five, How to Join a Bamboo Circle, in Water The Bamboo to learn more.)
“None of us is as smart as all of us.”
3. Identify models.
Identify models of people that have already achieved what you are going after and seek their mentorship.
“Others are examples of who you can be.”
4. Keep yourself in a positive shield.
When you are working on your bamboo be sure to approach your efforts with a positive attitude.
5. Mind your own bamboo.
There are many flirts and distractions including naysayers. You only have so much time and energy so make sure you are focused on what's important.
How do you stay focused on what's important? Please add to the conversation – comment below or on Twitter at @gregbellspeaks.