When giant timber bamboo grows it sheds the outer layer. The shedding allows for growth. In order for you to grow into the leader you want to be, you must shed. For leadership growth you need to answer this question: What am I holding on to that might be holding me back from becoming the leader I can be?
“What am I holding on to that might be holding me back from becoming the leader I can be?”
Here is a list of 9 things you should consider shedding to become a better leader:
1. Shed people that are holding you back. (TWEET THIS)
2. Shed the need to be "right" or perfect. (TWEET THIS)
3. Shed the past—both wins and losses. (TWEET THIS)
4. Shed the need to please everyone. (TWEET THIS)
5. Shed the worry. (TWEET THIS)
6. Shed the hurry. (TWEET THIS)
7. Shed doing low value activities. (TWEET THIS)
8. Shed the need to think you need to know everything. (TWEET THIS)
9. Shed your desire for instant results. (TWEET THIS)
What else do you need to shed to reach your potential?